Master PDF Editor - редактор для работы с PDF файлами, который может выступать и в качестве обычного просмотрщика документов этого формата. Программа представлена, в качестве приложения, доступного для приемлемого понимания, как для новичков, так и для более продвинутых пользователей. Это основные перечисленные характеристики, безусловно далеко не все, диапазон действий данного редактора весьма значителен.
Надо понимать и другое, что чем навороченей приложение, тем более сложнее его освоить, и что бы там не говорилось в представленном анонсе самой программы, о его простоте освоения для новичков, все это, очень и очень относительно, поковыряться в любом случае придется.
• Создание документов PDF
• Редактирование файлов PDF
• Просмотр PDF
• Шифрование PDF
• Поддержка xps
• Добавление или удаление страниц.
• Редактирование текста.
• Импорт или экспорт страниц в bmp, jpg, png, tiff
• Поддержка DjVu
Our robust and rich set of features includes the full support of PDF and XPS files, import/export PDF pages into JPG, TIFF, PNG, or BMP formats, converting XPS into PDF and vice versa, and 128 bit encryption. You can also add various controls such as buttons, text fields, checkboxes and more, as well as implement event handlers for predefined user actions such as pressing, clicking, hovering, and scrolling. Powerful commenting tools like Sticky Note and Stamp, as well as enhanced editing capabilities packed in the StrikeOut, Underline, and Highlight functions will make your work easier than ever.
• XPS Viewer
• PDF Maker
• Print to PDF
• Convert XPS to PDF
• Split and Merge PDF Files
• Annotation & Comment PDF
• Make & Edit PDF Bookmarks
Added single page view mode. Normal mode is now called Continuous.
Improved text editing, separated objects are now automatically merged into blocks.
Improved OCR – updated tesseract-ocr to 5. Simplified OCR settings.
Added functionality to save files as PDF/A.
Disabled font auto-replace when editing, now it is replaced only when required.
Added new window for font replacing when editing text.
Reintroduced Win32 support.
Fixed issue that caused crash during document optimization.
Fixed issue with text encoding of some PDFs.
Fixed XFA render with some fonts.
Extended enterprise functionality.
Fixed crash when scanning in some Linux systems.
Removed transparent background in redaction settings.
Added check for registration code expiration when checking updates.
Added file locking for cases of simultaneous opening by different Master PDF Editor instances.
Some modifications to tool-sets.
Added buttons to the bookmark page of the Navigation bar.
Added page number to search results.
Added page insertion in the Navigation bar.
File name length in the tab header is now dynamic.
Improved rotation in the Object Inspector.
Improved detection of the background fill color for OCR.
Added pages deleting from the Navigation bar with the Del button on the keyboard.
Fixed incorrect behavior of the delete bookmarks button.
Fixed the popup bar behavior on text selection.
Fixed moving to a page containing search results.
Fixed the incorrect behavior of the Object Inspector.
Highlight tool now saves its color after selecting a different tool.
Added auto-save option with specified interval.
Added new feature to mark inserted pages with a bookmark.
Added option to choose even/odd pages everywhere upon page range choice.
Added align and move to layer buttons to Object Inspector.
Fixed a bug where comment’s author would be shown as author of replies to the comment.
Fixed a bug with the names of files when exporting pages. In some cases files weren’t created when the filenames were empty.
Fixed the bug with the update of page count when pages were inserted through Navigation Bar.
Fixed the bug with the deletion of pages through Navigation Bar when the count of columns was decreased incorrectly.
Added a new feature, now it’s possible to paste copied objects into a current mouse location, instead of original coordinates only.
Added multiple selection in Object TreeView.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2022
Платформа: Windows® 11/10/8/8.1/7/XP/Vista/2003/2008
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Русский / English
Лекарство: keygen-CRD
Размер файла: 68.85 MB
Скачать Master PDF Editor 5.9.10