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White Flame Of Ascension Energy Healing

White Flame Of Ascension Energy Healing
Free Download White Flame Of Ascension Energy Healing
Published 1/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 1.74 GB | Duration: 2h 0m
Connect with the White Flame's divine energy, balancing your chakras, and manifesting your desire

What you'll learn
Overview of the White Flame: its origin, purpose, and potential benefits
Understanding the role of the White Flame in spiritual ascension
Connecting with the White Flame through visualization and meditation
Key principles of the White Flame: purity, forgiveness, love, and self-mastery
Balancing and aligning one's energy with the White Flame
Building a foundation for spiritual practice through grounding and centering techniques
Guided meditations and visualizations to activate and integrate the White Flame
Affirmations and decrees for clearing negativity and raising vibration
Pranayama and breathing exercises for energetic purification and alignment
Chanting and mantras for invoking the White Flame and connecting with higher consciousness
Working with the White Flame to release karmic patterns and limiting beliefs
Healing emotional wounds and clearing past trauma
Embracing forgiveness and self-compassion Experiencing inner peace and joy
Utilizing the White Flame to set powerful intentions and manifest desires
Aligning one's thoughts and emotions with the desired outcome
Releasing resistance and surrendering to the flow of creation
Experiencing the abundance and prosperity that the White Flame offers
Sharing the light with others and contributing to global ascension
An openness to spiritual exploration: While the course is not rooted in any specific religion, it delves into concepts like energy, spirituality, and personal transformation. Being open to these ideas will enhance your experience.
A willingness to engage in self-reflection: The course encourages introspection and understanding your inner world. Taking some time to quiet your mind and connect with yourself will benefit your journey.
A curiosity about meditation and visualization: These practices are key tools for connecting with the White Flame. Exploring these techniques, even if you're new to them, will strengthen your connection.
A desire for inner peace and well-being: Ultimately, the White Flame is a tool for self-discovery and healing. If you're seeking greater peace, joy, and fulfillment in your life, this course can be a helpful guide.
The White Flame is a mystical concept found in various spiritual and esoteric traditions across the world. It is often depicted as a pure and powerful light that represents a range of positive qualities like:Purity: Representing unadulterated consciousness, free from negativity and duality.Forgiveness: Embodying the capacity to let go of past hurts and resentments.Love: Encompassing unconditional love for oneself and all beings.Self-Mastery: Embracing the power to control one's thoughts, emotions, and actions.Ascension: Facilitating spiritual growth and evolution towards higher levels of consciousness.Origins:The exact origin of the White Flame varies depending on the specific tradition. However, common threads point to its presence in:Ancient Egyptian mythology: Associated with the solar deity Ra and representing divine light and purity.Christianity: Linked to the Holy Spirit and associated with divine grace, forgiveness, and transformation.Esoteric traditions: Mentioned in various schools of thought, including Theosophy, Sufism, and Ascended Master teachings.Purpose:The White Flame is believed to serve a multitude of purposes, including:Personal Transformation: It aids in clearing negativity, releasing limiting beliefs, and healing emotional wounds.Spiritual Awakening: It promotes inner peace, joy, and connection to one's higher self.Manifesting Desires: It can be used to align one's energy with desired outcomes and attract abundance.Global Ascension: It facilitates individual and collective spiritual evolution, contributing to the betterment of the world.Potential Benefits:Engaging with the White Flame may offer various potential benefits, including:Increased self-awareness and understanding.Enhanced emotional well-being and inner peace.Greater sense of purpose and direction in life.Improvement in physical and mental health.Development of spiritual gifts and abilities.Greater connection to one's higher self and the divine.It's important to note that the White Flame is a powerful tool, and its effects can be profound. While it can offer immense benefits, it's crucial to approach it with respect, intention, and guidance from a qualified teacher or practitioner.
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Overview of the White Flame: its origin, purpose, and potential benefits
Lecture 3 Understanding the role of the White Flame in spiritual ascension
Lecture 4 Disclaimer and copyright
Section 2: Connecting with the White Flame
Lecture 5 Meditation to connect with White Flame
Lecture 6 Visualization to connect with White Flame
Lecture 7 additional tips
Section 3: Principles and Foundations of the White Flame
Lecture 8 Key principles of the White Flame: purity, forgiveness, love, and self-mastery
Lecture 9 Balancing and aligning one's energy with the White Flame
Lecture 10 Building a foundation for spiritual practice
Section 4: Techniques and Practices for Ascension
Lecture 11 Meditation for Purification and Clearing
Lecture 12 Visualization for Activating Your Chakras
Lecture 13 Guided Meditation for Connecting with Your Higher Self
Lecture 14 Visualization for Manifesting with the White Flame
Lecture 15 Guided Chakra Balancing Meditation with the White Flame
Lecture 16 Affirmations and decrees for clearing negativity and raising vibration
Lecture 17 Chanting and mantras for invoking the White Flame
Section 5: Pranayama and breathing exercises for energetic purification and alignment
Lecture 18 Pranayama and breathing exercises for energetic purification and alignment
Lecture 19 Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Lecture 20 Skull Shining Technique - Kapalabhati Pranayama
Lecture 21 Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)
Lecture 22 Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)
Lecture 23 Anulom Vilom Pranayama
Section 6: Integration and Transformation
Lecture 24 Working with the White Flame to release karmic patterns and limiting beliefs
Lecture 25 Healing emotional wounds and clearing past trauma
Lecture 26 Embracing forgiveness and self-compassion
Lecture 27 Experiencing inner peace and joy
Section 7: Manifesting with the White Flame
Lecture 28 Utilizing the White Flame to set powerful intentions and manifest desires
Lecture 29 Aligning one's thoughts and emotions with the desired outcome
Lecture 30 Releasing resistance and surrendering to the flow of creation
Lecture 31 Experiencing the abundance and prosperity that the White Flame offers
Section 8: Living with the White Flame
Lecture 32 Integrating the White Flame into daily life
Lecture 33 Maintaining a high vibrational state
Lecture 34 Sharing the light with others and contributing to global ascension
Section 9: Conclusion
Lecture 35 Congratulations on Completing the White Flame Journey!
Lecture 36 Certificate
Spiritual growth and development,Deeper connection to their higher selves,Greater inner peace and harmony,Release from negativity and limitations,Activation of their spiritual potential


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