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Next.Js Hotel Rooms Booking App

Next.Js Hotel Rooms Booking App

Next.Js Hotel Rooms Booking App
Published 3/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English

| Size: 6.72 GB[/center]
| Duration: 9h 43m
Build a real-time Hotel Rooms Booking App using Nextjs , Antd , Tailwind CSS , Mongo DB

What you'll learn

Next JS

Mongo DB

Ant D

Tailwind CSS


Next JS 13 Basics


Welcome to "Mastering Next.js: Build Your Hotel Booking Empire"!Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of Next.js, Ant Design, and Tailwind CSS? In this exhilarating course, we'll dive deep into the realm of modern web development, equipping you with the skills to craft a cutting-edge hotel rooms booking application.Here's what you can expect to conquer:Tech Dive: Get acquainted with the powerhouse trio of Next.js, Ant Design, and Tailwind CSS as we lay the foundation for your coding odyssey.User Authentication: Forge secure pathways for both users and administrators, ensuring seamless access to your application's myriad features.Role-based Access: Erect virtual fortresses for users and admins, each with their own bespoke screens, modules, and privileges.Admin Mastery: Empower administrators to wield the almighty CRUD operations, granting them dominion over hotels, rooms, and beyond.Insightful Analytics: Arm administrators with the tools to command revenue reports, booking insights, and user analytics, empowering them to steer the ship with data-driven precision.User Exploration: Delight users with a captivating browsing experience, allowing them to peruse hotels and rooms with ease, filtering by date, type, and more.Seamless Booking: Transport users into a realm of luxury and convenience as they effortlessly navigate through room listings, booking their dream accommodations with just a few clicks.Secure Transactions: Safeguard transactions with the impenetrable fortress of Stripe payment gateway integration, ensuring peace of mind for both you and your users.Cancellation Magic: Grant users the power of choice with hassle-free booking cancellations and lightning-fast refunds, setting a new standard for customer satisfaction.Support and Collaboration: Sail through any storm with our dedicated QA support and exclusive access to the treasure trove of our code repository.Join us on this exhilarating voyage as we transform your coding aspirations into a reality, one line of code at a time. Enroll now and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Promo

Lecture 2 Introduction

Lecture 3 Install UI Library (Ant Design)

Lecture 4 Ant Design Theming

Section 2: User Authentication

Lecture 5 Why Clerk

Lecture 6 Clerk Account Setup and Installation

Lecture 7 Custom Signin and Signup Pages

Lecture 8 Show Logged In User Info

Lecture 9 Styling of Signin and Signup pages

Section 3: Mongo DB Setup

Lecture 10 Connect To Mongo DB

Lecture 11 User Model

Lecture 12 Save Current User

Section 4: Private Layout

Lecture 13 Layout Skeleton

Lecture 14 Header

Lecture 15 Sidebar-1

Lecture 16 Sidebar-2

Lecture 17 Layout Bugs

Lecture 18 Add Loader

Section 5: Add Hotel

Lecture 19 Admin Module Intro

Lecture 20 Hotel Form

Lecture 21 Setup Firebase For Media Upload

Lecture 22 Firebase Media Upload Logic

Lecture 23 Construct Hotel Payload

Lecture 24 Hotel Model and Add Hotel Server Action

Section 6: Show , Edit , Delete Hotels

Lecture 25 Show Hotels Table

Lecture 26 Edit Hotel

Lecture 27 Handle Media Upload In Edit Scnario

Lecture 28 Delete Hotel

Lecture 29 Adding Loader

Section 7: Rooms CRUD

Lecture 30 Room Model and Server Actions

Lecture 31 Add Room

Lecture 32 Show , Edit , Delete Rooms

Lecture 33 Multiple Media Upload Bug

Lecture 34 Hotels & Rooms Data Preparation

Section 8: Homepage and Room Booking Page

Lecture 35 Display All Rooms In Homepage

Lecture 36 Room Booking Page - Part 1

Lecture 37 Room Booking Page - Part 2

Section 9: Room Availabiltiy Check

Lecture 38 Booking Model

Lecture 39 Availability Sever Action

Lecture 40 Testing Availability API

Section 10: Payment Gateway Integration

Lecture 41 Stripe Account Setup and Client Secret API

Lecture 42 Call Client Secret With Amount

Lecture 43 Payment Modal UI

Lecture 44 Save Booking

Lecture 45 Test Booking Scenarios

Section 11: Show Bookings

Lecture 46 Show User Bookings

Lecture 47 Cancel Booking UI

Lecture 48 Issuing Refund and Cancel Booking Logic

Lecture 49 Admin Bookings

Section 12: Filters

Lecture 50 Filters UI

Lecture 51 Get Filters Data Using Search Params

Lecture 52 Filter Rooms Query

Section 13: Booking Reports

Lecture 53 Reports - Part 1

Section 14: Admin Features

Lecture 55 Admin Routes Restriction

Lecture 56 Give admin access to other users

Section 15: User Profile

Lecture 57 User Profile Page

Section 16: Deployment

Lecture 58 Deploy To Vercel

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