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Clean Architecture In .Net 8 Core Mvc With Real Time Project

Clean Architecture In .Net 8 Core Mvc With Real Time Project

Clean Architecture In .Net 8 Core Mvc With Real Time Project
Published 4/2024
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English

| Size: 3.21 GB[/center]
| Duration: 5h 41m
Build Concert Booking application using .NET Core MVC, Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core Identity with Clean Archit

What you'll learn

Clean Architecture based scratch project : Concert Booking Application

Four Layers like Domain, Application, Infrastructure and UI Layer.

Repository Pattern with Unit of Work

Identity with Razor Pages

one role in the application that is Admin and rest of user like a Authenticated User

Proper Authentication and Authorization

Data Seeding , Role and User Seeding

Data Access layer known as infrastructure layer. Repository done using generic and unit of work

Application layer with extra utility services


Before start this course must to know about ASP. NET CORE MVC

Approx 6 month experienced in .NET MVC


This Course Include the following key points. First of all it include clean architecture layers like domain layer , Infrastructure layer, Application layer and UI layer. This is a Beginner to the Advance level course on ASP.NET Core using Clean Architecture that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. any one can learn concept of clean architecute and related topics but must to know the basics of ASP.NET CORE MVC. Building a concert booking application using ASP.NET Core with Clean Architecture involves structuring a solution that is maintainable, scalable, and decoupled. This approach not only leverages the robust features of ASP.NET Core but also implements Clean Architecture principles, ensuring that the application's business logic remains central and unaffected by external changes like database integrations or web frameworks. Here, we'll explore the key components of this architecture and their roles within an ASP.NET Core application designed for concert booking.Overview of Clean ArchitectureClean Architecture, advocated by Robert C. Martin, focuses on the separation of concerns by dividing the software into layers with strict boundaries. The main goal is to achieve a system where the business rules (domain) are at the core and all other dependencies (like UI, database, and external services) are externalized. This decoupling ensures that changes in external layers like the database or UI frameworks have minimal impact on the core logic.Core Components of the SystemDomain Entities: These are the core business models representing concepts such as Concert, Venue, User, and Booking. They contain only business data and behavior which are critical to the business domain.Application Interfaces: This layer contains interfaces that define operations which can be performed from the outside world, such as IBookingService or IConcertRepository. These interfaces help in achieving Dependency Inversion, a key principle of Clean Architecture, which stipulates that higher-level modules should not depend on lower-level modules but should depend on abstractions.Application Services: Implements the interfaces defined previously. This layer acts as a coordinator between the Domain and Infrastructure, handling business logic implementations and transforming domain data for delivery to external layers (like API endpoints or MVC Controllers).Infrastructure: This layer implements persistence logic and any other operations on external services (e.g., sending emails). For a concert booking system, it would typically implement the IConcertRepository with Entity Framework Core, handle database migrations, and manage SQL or NoSQL database connections.Presentation Layer: In the case of an ASP.NET Core application, this could be an MVC project, a Razor Pages web app, or even a REST API. This layer is only concerned with user interaction, and it utilizes Application Services to handle business operations.Implementing Clean Architecture in ASP.NET CoreSetting Up the SolutionStart by creating an ASP.NET Core Web Application. Organize the solution into projects based on responsibilities:Domain: Class library for business models and interfaces.Application: Class library for application logic, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects), and interfaces implementation.Infrastructure: Class library for database operations, file system interactions, etc.Web: The entry point of the application, which could be an API or an MVC project.Dependency Injection (DI)ASP.NET Core comes with built-in support for dependency injection. Use this feature to wire up interfaces from Application to their implementations in Infrastructure. For example, in the Startup.cs file, configure services like


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 What is Clean Architecture

Lecture 2 Core Component

Lecture 3 Design Layers For Clean Architecture

Lecture 4 Concert Booking Project

Section 2: Domain layer

Lecture 5 Project Entities

Lecture 6 Concert Entity

Lecture 7 Ticket and Booking Entity

Section 3: Entity Relationship

Lecture 8 Relationship between Venue, Artist and Concert

Lecture 9 Relationship between Ticket and Booking

Section 4: Model Validation

Lecture 10 Model Validaton - Apply with all entities

Section 5: Infrastructure Layer for Database Connection

Lecture 11 Create Entityframework Core based Context Class

Section 6: Connection String

Lecture 12 Create ConnectionString in Web Project

Lecture 13 Register Connection String in Web Project

Section 7: Repositories Interfaces in Application Layer

Lecture 14 Generic Repository Interface

Lecture 15 Artist Interface

Lecture 16 Venue Interface

Lecture 17 Concert Interface

Lecture 18 Booking and Ticket Interface

Lecture 19 Unit of work and Data Seeding Interface

Section 8: Implement Repository in Infrastructure Layer

Lecture 20 Generic Repository Implementation

Lecture 21 Artist Repository

Lecture 22 Concert and Venue Repository

Lecture 23 Booking and Ticket Repository

Lecture 24 Unit of Work Repository

Section 9: Configure Identity

Lecture 25 Configure Identity Part-1

Section 10: Migration

Lecture 26 First Migration

Section 11: Controllers in UI Project

Lecture 27 Create Empty Controller for project

Section 12: Services for Application Layer

Lecture 28 Interface and Implementation for Venue Service

Lecture 29 Interface and Implementation for Artist Service

Lecture 30 Interface and Implementation for Concert Service

Lecture 31 Interface and Implementation for Booking Service

Lecture 32 Interface and Implementation for Ticket Service

Section 13: Utility Service

Lecture 33 Utility Interface

Lecture 34 Utility Interfaces Implementations

Section 14: Controller Action Methods with Views

Lecture 35 Venue Controller with Views

Lecture 36 Artist Controller Index and Create

Lecture 37 Artist Controller Edit and Delete Method

Lecture 38 Concert Controller Part-1

Lecture 39 Concert Controller Part-2

Lecture 40 Concert Controller Part-3

Lecture 41 Concert Controller Part-4

Section 15: Setup Theme For Project

Lecture 42 Add Bootswatch theme

Section 16: Access Rights for Project - Add Role and Default Admin

Lecture 43 Add Default Admin for Project

Lecture 44 Call Seeding Service in Program file

Lecture 45 Apply Access Rights in Navigation

Lecture 46 Apply Access Rights at controller level

Section 17: Data Feeding using Admin Access

Lecture 47 Bug Fixing

Lecture 48 Add Concert Data Feeding

Section 18: Home Page Design with functionalities

Lecture 49 Home page Design using Card

Lecture 50 Details Action method with Views

Lecture 51 Available Tickets with Views

Lecture 52 Book Tickets

Lecture 53 Fix Exception

Lecture 54 Generate User Ticket

Beginner to advanced user learn from it

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