002 Introduction to Variables.mp4 (150.03 MB) MP4 003 Example Path Separator.mp4 (16.1 MB) MP4 004 When to use a short declaration.mp4 (18.48 MB) MP4 005 Let's convert a value!.mp4 (28.76 MB) MP4 006 ⭐️ Get input from terminal ⭐️.mp4 (14.25 MB) MP4 007 Learn the basics of os Args.mp4 (17.33 MB) MP4 008 Naming Things Recommendations.mp4 (22.26 MB) MP4 010 What is a Raw String Literal.mp4 (14.06 MB) MP4 011 How to get the length of a utf-8 string.mp4 (19.44 MB) MP4 012 Example Banger Yell it back!.mp4 (13.71 MB) MP4 014 Constants and iota.mp4 (26.48 MB) MP4 017 Println vs Printf.mp4 (22.54 MB) MP4 018 What is an Escape Sequence.mp4 (11.11 MB) MP4 019 How to print using Printf.mp4 (20.27 MB) MP4 020 The verbs can be type-safe too!.mp4 (14.71 MB) MP4 023 If Statement.mp4 (15.23 MB) MP4 024 Else and Else If.mp4 (10.28 MB) MP4 026 Tiny Challenge Validate a single user.mp4 (5.9 MB) MP4 027 Solution Validate a single user.mp4 (16.9 MB) MP4 028 Tiny Challenge Validate multiple users.mp4 (3.26 MB) MP4 029 Solution Validate multiple users.mp4 (17.57 MB) MP4 031 What is a nil value.mp4 (12.68 MB) MP4 032 What is an error value.mp4 (15.02 MB) MP4 033 Error handling example.mp4 (5.67 MB) MP4 034 Challenge Feet to Meter.mp4 (1.53 MB) MP4 035 Solution Feet to Meter.mp4 (14.34 MB) MP4 036 What is a Simple Statement.mp4 (11.96 MB) MP4 037 Scopes of simple statements.mp4 (11.75 MB) MP4 038 Famous Shadowing Gotcha.mp4 (25.02 MB) MP4 041 Learn the Switch Statement Basics.mp4 (23.22 MB) MP4 042 What is a default clause.mp4 (8.02 MB) MP4 043 Use multiple values in case conditions.mp4 (8.19 MB) MP4 044 Use bool expressions in case conditions.mp4 (10.2 MB) MP4 045 How does the fallthrough statement work.mp4 (31.75 MB) MP4 046 What is a short switch.mp4 (12.25 MB) MP4 047 Tiny Challenge Parts of a Day.mp4 (18.36 MB) MP4 048 Solution Parts of a Day.mp4 (7.04 MB) MP4 049 If vs Switch Which one to use.mp4 (15.03 MB) MP4 052 There is only one loop statement in Go.mp4 (14.13 MB) MP4 053 How to break from a loop.mp4 (12.3 MB) MP4 054 How to continue a loop (+BONUS Debugging).mp4 (16.49 MB) MP4 055 Create a multiplication table.mp4 (16.82 MB) MP4 056 How to loop over a slice.mp4 (9.19 MB) MP4 057 For Range Learn the easy way!.mp4 (14.71 MB) MP4 002 Randomization and Go.mp4 (25.53 MB) MP4 003 Seed the randomizer with time.mp4 (13.75 MB) MP4 004 Write the Game Logic.mp4 (45.9 MB) MP4 008 Build the Word Finder Program.mp4 (19.02 MB) MP4 009 Labeled Break and Continue.mp4 (25.08 MB) MP4 010 Break from a Switch using Labels.mp4 (8.47 MB) MP4 011 Yes there is a goto statement in Go.mp4 (23.78 MB) MP4 002 Introduction and Roadmap.mp4 (17.04 MB) MP4 003 What is an array in Go.mp4 (38.98 MB) MP4 004 Let's create an array.mp4 (10.91 MB) MP4 005 Learn the gotcha when using a for range on arrays.mp4 (26.75 MB) MP4 007 What is a composite literal.mp4 (14.62 MB) MP4 008 Refactor the Hipster's Love Bookstore to array literals.mp4 (21.81 MB) MP4 009 Tiny Challenge #1 Moodly.mp4 (4.73 MB) MP4 010 Can you compare array values.mp4 (21.36 MB) MP4 011 Can you assign an array value to another one.mp4 (24.52 MB) MP4 013 How to use multi-dimensional arrays.mp4 (20.5 MB) MP4 014 Tiny Challenge #2 Moodly.mp4 (9.08 MB) MP4 015 Learn the rarely known feature of Go The Keyed Elements.mp4 (22.6 MB) MP4 016 Learn the relation between composite and unnamed types.mp4 (47.87 MB) MP4 018 Recap Arrays.mp4 (17.5 MB) MP4 002 Challenge Retro Led Clock.mp4 (18.4 MB) MP4 004 Let's print the digits.mp4 (17.98 MB) MP4 005 Let's print the clock.mp4 (15.81 MB) MP4 006 It's time to animate the clock!.mp4 (53.74 MB) MP4 002 Introduction and Roadmap.mp4 (12.58 MB) MP4 003 Learn the differences between slices and arrays.mp4 (16.61 MB) MP4 004 Can you compare a slice to another one.mp4 (24.06 MB) MP4 005 Create a unique number generator.mp4 (15.16 MB) MP4 008 Append Let's grow a slice!.mp4 (17.69 MB) MP4 011 Slicing Let's cut that slice!.mp4 (35.85 MB) MP4 012 How to create pagination using slices (+ Sprintf).mp4 (12 MB) MP4 016 What is a Backing Array.mp4 (28.97 MB) MP4 018 What's a slice header.mp4 (100.27 MB) MP4 019 What does a slice header look like in the actual Go runtime code.mp4 (27.06 MB) MP4 021 What is the capacity of a slice.mp4 (14.74 MB) MP4 022 Extend a slice using its capacity.mp4 (15.06 MB) MP4 024 When does the append function create a new backing array.mp4 (18.57 MB) MP4 025 Animate When the backing array of a slice grows.mp4 (11.6 MB) MP4 029 Full Slice Expressions Limit the capacity of a slice.mp4 (15 MB) MP4 030 make() Preallocate the backing array.mp4 (23.56 MB) MP4 031 copy() Copy elements between slices.mp4 (23.14 MB) MP4 032 How to use multi-dimensional slices.mp4 (19.63 MB) MP4 002 Fetch the Files.mp4 (41.07 MB) MP4 003 Write to a file.mp4 (11.73 MB) MP4 004 Optimize!.mp4 (9.23 MB) MP4 002 Challenge.mp4 (16.19 MB) MP4 004 Step #1 Create and Draw the Board.mp4 (12.71 MB) MP4 005 Step #2 Optimize by adding a Buffer.mp4 (19.27 MB) MP4 006 Step #3 Animate the Ball.mp4 (36.69 MB) MP4 002 Introduction and Roadmap.mp4 (3.73 MB) MP4 004 Let's learn the basics of bytes, runes and strings.mp4 (9.69 MB) MP4 005 Let's write a character-set program.mp4 (23.7 MB) MP4 006 Let's convert, index, and slice bytes, runes and strings.mp4 (35.13 MB) MP4 007 How can you decode a string.mp4 (28.14 MB) MP4 008 String Header Why strings are immutable.mp4 (21.33 MB) MP4 009 Recap Strings Revisited.mp4 (17.27 MB) MP4 002 Challenge.mp4 (7.02 MB) MP4 004 Detect the link patterns.mp4 (10.18 MB) MP4 005 Mask the links.mp4 (11.54 MB) MP4 007 Let's build a Unicode text wrapper.mp4 (18.96 MB) MP4 002 Create an English to Turkish dictionary.mp4 (25.35 MB) MP4 003 Populate the dictionary.mp4 (22.84 MB) MP4 004 Map Internals How maps work behind the scenes.mp4 (69.54 MB) MP4 002 Scan user input using bufio Scanner.mp4 (15.45 MB) MP4 003 Use maps as sets.mp4 (18.37 MB) MP4 004 Create a Log Parser using maps and bufio Scanner.mp4 (41.03 MB) MP4 002 What is a struct.mp4 (12.81 MB) MP4 003 Let's create a struct!.mp4 (17.51 MB) MP4 004 When can you compare struct values.mp4 (18 MB) MP4 005 Go OOP Struct Embedding.mp4 (67.58 MB) MP4 006 Rewrite Log Parser to Structs.mp4 (18.72 MB) MP4 007 Encode values to JSON.mp4 (28.76 MB) MP4 008 Decode values from JSON.mp4 (52.16 MB) MP4 002 Learn the function basics.mp4 (23.04 MB) MP4 003 Confine variables to a function.mp4 (24.24 MB) MP4 004 Rewrite Log Parser using functions.mp4 (28.29 MB) MP4 005 Learn the Pass By Value Semantics.mp4 (26.71 MB) MP4 009 What is a pointer.mp4 (211.08 MB) MP4 010 Learn the pointer mechanics.mp4 (33.03 MB) MP4 011 Learn how to work with pointers to composite types.mp4 (18.6 MB) MP4 012 Rewrite the Log Parser using Pointers.mp4 (22.74 MB) MP4 013 Pointers or Values Be Consistent.mp4 (23.45 MB) MP4 002 Methods Enhance types with additional behavior.mp4 (33.41 MB) MP4 003 Pointer Receivers Change the received value.mp4 (28.48 MB) MP4 004 Non-Structs Attach methods to almost any type.mp4 (19.18 MB) MP4 002 Interfaces Be dynamic!.mp4 (125.28 MB) MP4 003 Type Assertion Extract the dynamic value!.mp4 (28.84 MB) MP4 004 Empty Interface Represent any type of value.mp4 (23.35 MB) MP4 005 Type Switch Detect and extract multiple values.mp4 (15 MB) MP4 006 Promoted Methods Let's make a little bit of refactoring.mp4 (50.77 MB) MP4 002 Don't interface everything!.mp4 (40.95 MB) MP4 003 Stringer Grant a type the ability to represent itself as a string.mp4 (28.35 MB) MP4 004 Sorter Let a type know how to sort itself.mp4 (52.27 MB) MP4 005 Marshalers Customize JSON encoding and decoding of a type.mp4 (40.86 MB) MP4