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Asp.Net Core 7 (.Net 7) | True Ultimate Guide

Asp.Net Core 7 (.Net 7) | True Ultimate Guide

Asp.Net Core 7 (.Net 7) | True Ultimate Guide
Published 11/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English

| Size: 30.87 GB[/center]
| Duration: 67h 26m
.NET Core 6 & 7 | ASP.NET Core 7 | Asp.Net Core Projects | Bootcamp | Advanced | Interview Questions | Web API

What you'll learn
Confidently speak about most of the basic, intermediate and advanced concepts of Asp .Net Core
Crack Asp .Net Core job interviews easier
Strong Foundation of MVC Architecture Pattern and root level concepts of Asp .Net Core
Add two profile projects to your profile and increase chances of getting a better job
Learn professional developer best practices
Become equivalent to Senior-level Asp .Net Core developer with Repository Pattern, SOLID Principles, Clean Architecture, Serilog
Get Instructor-Support to your questions within 24 hours; max 48 hours
Intermediate level knowledge of C# key concepts including OOP, Interfaces, Lambda Expressions etc.
Intermediate level knowledge of Web development - HTML, CSS, jаvascript
Optional: SQL, Ado .Net
THE REAL ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ASP.NET CORE 7 DEVELOPMENT*****************************************************************This is the only course you need to learn the complete coding and testing skills that a professional Asp .Net Core developer needs.This is the most-comprehensive course on Asp .Net Core ever available on Udemy, which starts you from beginner to mastery in Asp .Net Core (MVC) development.Top reasons - why should you opt this course over the other coursesThe course is facilitated (instructed) by the lead instructor - Mr. Harsha Vardhan, India's leading in-person training programs vendor with top software development companies.This course is up-to-date with .NET 7 and promised to keep it up-to-date for future releases of .NET and Asp .Net Core.The course is constantly updated with new content on newer topics, new projects determined by the students - that's you!You will build your portfolio project (a Stocks Trading Platform) through guidance provided by the Instructor (also, source code is provided to help you to rescue you in case if you stuck somewhere and to check quality of your code).Many developers may feel challenged when they need to face technical interviews. To address this problem, we've included a comprehensive set of interview questions to test yourself before facing any technical interview on Asp .Net Core.Coding is not the game of listening and following someone. You will have proper understanding of the subject only when you apply it on a meaningful application. So essential coding exercises (assignments) are provided in each section. So you will try each of them - and get instructor's source code and help when you stuck somewhere or become clue-less at certain point.The definitions, best practices, diagrams presented in the course videos, are provided as 'Section cheat sheet' at the end of respective section. So you can use it as a moment of reference & revision, to recollect and apply what have you learnt from that section.Advanced concepts such as xUnit, Moq, Serilog, Fluent Assertions, Repository Pattern, Clean Architecture, SOLID Principles, Unit testing and Integration testing, Asp .Net Core Identity are presented in the course, along with a promise to keep it up to date. So it's a future-proof course.Professional developer best practices are included and explained in respective sections wherever necessary.All topics are explained from scratch. So you need not worry about your prior knowledge / experience in Asp .Net Core. The only main prerequisites of this course are - C# and HTML.Even, you need not much worry about advanced topics of C#; because brush-up lectures on the key concepts of C# such as Extension Methods, LINQ, Nullable reference types etc., are included as a extra section in this course.Teaching methodology: Picture first - visualize and define everything before jumping into a new topic.Lag-free and straight-to-the-point explanationEnglish captions are available for all lectures.Does this course include Web API (RESTful Services)?No.An exclusive course on Asp.Net Core WEB API is planned to be released by next year - 2023.Of course, you will get background concepts (prerequisites) of Asp .Net Core Web API, such as model binding, HTTP status, configuration, environment, unit testing, filters etc., in this course.What is the application are we going to build for my portfolio?A "Stock Trading" App.With live chart and price updates on the selected stock.A search page to search for desired stock.Place buy or sell orderA dashboard to see order history of buy orders and sell ordersA login / register page where the new users can sign-up and existing users can sign-in.What if I get stuck while learning?You can drop a question in the Q&A, and the instructor or the teaching assistant will answer your questions within 24-hours - max within 48-hours.What if I don't like the course?That will likely not happen. But, if it does, you are covered by the Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can quickly return the course. No questions asked.


Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction to Asp.Net Core

Lecture 2 WebForms [vs] Asp.Net Mvc [vs] Asp.Net Core

Lecture 3 Section Cheat Sheet

Lecture 4 Where to download the Source Code

Lecture 5 New features of Asp.Net Core 7

Section 2: Getting Started

Lecture 6 Setup Environment

Lecture 7 Create First Asp.Net Core App

Lecture 8 Kestrel and Other Servers

Lecture 9 launchSettings.json

Lecture 10 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 3: HTTP

Lecture 11 Introduction to HTTP

Lecture 12 HTTP Response

Lecture 13 HTTP Status Codes

Lecture 14 HTTP Response Headers

Lecture 15 HTTP Request

Lecture 16 Query String

Lecture 17 HTTP Request Headers

Lecture 18 Postman

Lecture 19 HTTP Get vs Post - Part 1

Lecture 20 HTTP Get vs Post - Part 2

Lecture 21 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 4: Middleware

Lecture 22 Intro to Middleware

Lecture 23 Run

Lecture 24 Middleware Chain

Lecture 25 Custom Middleware Class

Lecture 26 Custom Middleware Extensions

Lecture 27 Custom Conventional Middleware Class

Lecture 28 The Right Order of Middleware

Lecture 29 UseWhen

Lecture 30 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 5: Routing

Lecture 31 Intro to Routing

Lecture 32 Map, MapGet, MapPost

Lecture 33 GetEndPoint

Lecture 34 Route Parameters

Lecture 35 Default Parameters

Lecture 36 Optional Parameters

Lecture 37 Route Constraints - Part 1

Lecture 38 Route Constraints - Part 2

Lecture 39 Route Constraints - Part 3

Lecture 40 Custom Route Constraint Class

Lecture 41 EndPoint Selection Order

Lecture 42 WebRoot and UseStaticFiles

Lecture 43 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 6: Controllers & IActionResult

Lecture 44 Creating Controllers

Lecture 45 Multiple Action Methods

Lecture 46 Takeouts about Controllers

Lecture 47 ContentResult

Lecture 48 JsonResult

Lecture 49 File Results

Lecture 50 IActionResult

Lecture 51 Status Code Results

Lecture 52 Redirect Results - Part 1

Lecture 53 Redirect Results - Part 2

Lecture 54 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 7: Model Binding and Validations

Lecture 55 Overview of Model Binding

Lecture 56 Query String vs Route Data

Lecture 57 FromQuery and FromRoute

Lecture 58 Model Class

Lecture 59 form-urlencoded and form-data

Lecture 60 Introduction to Model Validations

Lecture 61 Model State

Lecture 62 All Model Validations - Part 1

Lecture 63 All Model Validations - Part 2

Lecture 64 Custom Validation

Lecture 65 Custom Validation with Multiple Properties

Lecture 66 IValidatableObject

Lecture 67 Bind and BindNever

Lecture 68 FromBody

Lecture 69 Input Formatters

Lecture 70 Custom Model Binders

Lecture 71 Model Binder Providers

Lecture 72 Collection Binding

Lecture 73 FromHeader

Lecture 74 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 8: Razor Views

Lecture 75 MVC Architecture Pattern

Lecture 76 Views

Lecture 77 Code Blocks and Expressions

Lecture 78 If

Lecture 79 Switch

Lecture 80 Foreach

Lecture 81 for

Lecture 82 Literal

Lecture 83 Local Functions

Lecture 84 Html.Raw

Lecture 85 ViewData - Part 1

Lecture 86 ViewData - Part 2

Lecture 87 ViewBag

Lecture 88 Strongly Typed Views - Part 1

Lecture 89 Strongly Typed Views - Part 2

Lecture 90 Strongly Typed Views with Multiple Models

Lecture 91 _ViewImports.cshtml

Lecture 92 Shared Views

Lecture 93 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 9: Layout Views

Lecture 94 Creating Layout Views - Part 1

Lecture 95 Creating Layout Views - Part 2

Lecture 96 Layout View for Multiple Views

Lecture 97 ViewData in Layout Views

Lecture 98 _ViewStart.cshtml

Lecture 99 Dynamic Layout Views

Lecture 100 Layout Views Sections

Lecture 101 Nested Layout Views

Lecture 102 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 10: Partial Views

Lecture 103 Creating Partial Views

Lecture 104 Partial Views with ViewData

Lecture 105 Strongly Typed Partial Views

Lecture 106 PartialViewResult

Lecture 107 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 11: View Components

Lecture 108 Creating View Components - Part 1

Lecture 109 Creating View Components - Part 2

Lecture 110 View Components with ViewData

Lecture 111 Strongly Typed View Components

Lecture 112 View Components with Parameters

Lecture 113 ViewComponentResult

Lecture 114 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 12: Dependency Injection

Lecture 115 Services - Part 1

Lecture 116 Services - Part 2

Lecture 117 Dependency Inversion Principle

Lecture 118 Inversion of Control

Lecture 119 Dependency Injection

Lecture 120 Method Injection - FromService

Lecture 121 Transient, Scoped, Singleton - Part 1

Lecture 122 Transient, Scoped, Singleton - Part 2

Lecture 123 Service Scope

Lecture 124 AddTransient(), AddScoped(), AddSingleton()

Lecture 125 View Injection

Lecture 126 Best Practices for DI

Lecture 127 Autofac

Lecture 128 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 13: Environments

Lecture 129 Introduction to Environments

Lecture 130 Environment in Launch Settings

Lecture 131 Environment in Controller

Lecture 132 Environment Tag Helper

Lecture 133 Process Level Environment

Lecture 134 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 14: Configuration

Lecture 135 Configuration Basics

Lecture 136 IConfiguration in Controller

Lecture 137 Hierarchical Configuration

Lecture 138 Options Pattern

Lecture 139 Configuration as Service

Lecture 140 Environment Specific Configuration

Lecture 141 Secrets Manager

Lecture 142 Environment Variables Configuration

Lecture 143 Custom Json Configuration

Lecture 144 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 15: xUnit

Lecture 145 Project Overview

Lecture 146 xUnit Basics

Lecture 147 Add Country - xUnit Test - Part 1

Lecture 148 Add Country - xUnit Test - Part 2

Lecture 149 Add Country - xUnit Test - Part 3

Lecture 150 Add Country - Implementation

Lecture 151 Get All Countries - xUnit Test

Lecture 152 Get All Countries - Implementation

Lecture 153 Get Country by Country ID - xUnit Test

Lecture 154 Get Country by Country ID - Implementation

Lecture 155 Add Person - Creating Models - Part 1

Lecture 156 Add Person - Creating Models - Part 2

Lecture 157 Add Person - xUnit Test

Lecture 158 Add Person - Implementation

Lecture 159 Add Person - Validation

Lecture 160 Get Person By Person ID - xUnit Test

Lecture 161 Get Person By Person ID - Implementation

Lecture 162 Get All Persons - xUnit Test

Lecture 163 Get All Persons - Implementation

Lecture 164 TestOutputHelper

Lecture 165 Get Filtered Persons - xUnit Test

Lecture 166 Get Filtered Persons - Implementation

Lecture 167 Get Sorted Persons - xUnit Test

Lecture 168 Get Sorted Persons - Implementation

Lecture 169 Update Person - Creating DTO

Lecture 170 Update Person - xUnit Test

Lecture 171 Update Person - Implementation

Lecture 172 Delete Person - xUnit Test

Lecture 173 Delete Person - Implementation

Lecture 174 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 16: CRUD Operations

Lecture 175 Getting Started with UI

Lecture 176 Mock Data

Lecture 177 List View

Lecture 178 Search in List View - Part 1

Lecture 179 Search in List View - Part 2

Lecture 180 Sort in List View - Part 1

Lecture 181 Sort in List View - Part 2

Lecture 182 Create View - Part 1

Lecture 183 Create View - Part 2

Lecture 184 Attribute Routing

Lecture 185 Section Cheat sheet

Section 17: Tag Helpers

Lecture 186 Introduction to Tag Helpers

Lecture 187 Form Tag Helpers

Lecture 188 Input Tag Helpers - Part 1

Lecture 189 Input Tag Helpers - Part 2

Lecture 190 Client Side Validations

Lecture 191 Script Tag Helpers

Lecture 192 Image Tag Helpers

Lecture 193 Edit View

Lecture 194 Delete View

Lecture 195 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 18: EntityFrameworkCore

Lecture 196 Introduction to EntityFrameworkCore

Lecture 197 EFCore Approaches

Lecture 198 DbContext and DbSet

Lecture 199 Connection String

Lecture 200 Seed Data

Lecture 201 Migrations

Lecture 202 EF CRUD Operations

Lecture 203 How EF Query Works

Lecture 204 EF Stored Proc

Lecture 205 EF Stored Proc with Parameters

Lecture 206 Changes in Table Structure

Lecture 207 Fluent API - Part 1

Lecture 208 Fluent API - Part 2

Lecture 209 Table Relations with EF

Lecture 210 Async EF Operations

Lecture 211 Async Controller Action Methods

Lecture 212 Async Unit Test Methods

Lecture 213 Generate PDF Files

Lecture 214 Generate CSV Files - Part 1

Lecture 215 Generate CSV Files - Part 2

Lecture 216 Generate Excel Files

Lecture 217 Excel to Database Upload - Part 1

Lecture 218 Excel to Database Upload - Part 2

Lecture 219 Excel to Database Upload - Part 3

Lecture 220 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 19: Unit Testing [Advanced, Moq & Repository Pattern

Lecture 221 Best Practices of Unit Tests

Lecture 222 Mock DbContext

Lecture 223 AutoFixture - Part 1

Lecture 224 AutoFixture - Part 2

Lecture 225 Fluent Assertions - Part 1

Lecture 226 Fluent Assertions - Part 2

Lecture 227 Fluent Assertions - Cheat Sheet

Lecture 228 Introduction to Repository

Lecture 229 Repository Implementation - Part 1

Lecture 230 Repository Implementation - Part 2

Lecture 231 Invoke Repository in Service - Part 1

Lecture 232 Invoke Repository in Service - Part 2

Lecture 233 Pros and Cons of Repository Pattern

Lecture 234 Mock Repository - Part 1

Lecture 235 Mock Repository - Part 2

Lecture 236 Mock Repository - Part 3

Lecture 237 Controller Unit Test - Part 1

Lecture 238 Controller Unit Test - Part 2

Lecture 239 Integration Test

Lecture 240 Integration Test with Response Body

Lecture 241 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 20: Logging and Serilog

Lecture 242 Introduction Logging

Lecture 243 ILogger

Lecture 244 Logging Configuration

Lecture 245 Logging Providers

Lecture 246 ILogger in Controller

Lecture 247 HTTP Logging

Lecture 248 HTTP Logging Options

Lecture 249 Serilog Basics

Lecture 250 Serilog File Sink

Lecture 251 Serilog Database Sink

Lecture 252 Serilog Seq

Lecture 253 Serilog RequestId

Lecture 254 Serilog Enrichers

Lecture 255 Serilog IDiagnosticContext

Lecture 256 Serilog Timings

Lecture 257 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 21: Filters

Lecture 258 Introduction to Filters

Lecture 259 Action Filter

Lecture 260 Parameter Validation in Action Filter

Lecture 261 ViewData in Action Filter

Lecture 262 Serilog Structured Logging

Lecture 263 Filter Arguments

Lecture 264 Global Filters

Lecture 265 Custom Order of Filters

Lecture 266 IOrderedFilter

Lecture 267 Async Filters

Lecture 268 Short Circuiting Action Filter

Lecture 269 Result Filter

Lecture 270 Resource Filter

Lecture 271 Authorization Filter

Lecture 272 Exception Filter

Lecture 273 Impact of Short Circuiting

Lecture 274 IAlwaysRunResultFilter

Lecture 275 Filter Overrides

Lecture 276 Service Filter

Lecture 277 Filter Attribute Classes

Lecture 278 IFilterFactory

Lecture 279 Filters vs Middleware

Lecture 280 UI Enhancements - Part 1

Lecture 281 UI Enhancements - Part 2

Lecture 282 Configure Services Extension

Lecture 283 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 22: Error Handling

Lecture 284 Exception Handling Middleware

Lecture 285 Custom Exceptions

Lecture 286 UseExceptionHandler

Lecture 287 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 23: SOLID Principles

Lecture 288 Overview of SOLID Principles

Lecture 289 Dependency Inversion Principle (Revision)

Lecture 290 Single Responsibility Principle

Lecture 291 Interface Segregation Principle

Lecture 292 ISP in Tests

Lecture 293 Open/Closed Principle

Lecture 294 OCP with Inheritance

Lecture 295 Liskov Substitution Principle

Lecture 296 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 24: Clean Architecture

Lecture 297 Overview of Clean Architecture

Lecture 298 Core

Lecture 299 Infrastructure

Lecture 300 UI

Lecture 301 Tests

Lecture 302 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 25: Identity, Authorization

Lecture 303 Introduction to Identity

Lecture 304 Creating Models

Lecture 305 Register View

Lecture 306 Adding Identity

Lecture 307 User Manager

Lecture 308 SignIn Manager

Lecture 309 Login/Logout Buttons

Lecture 310 Active Nav Link

Lecture 311 Password Complexity Configuration

Lecture 312 Login View

Lecture 313 Section Cheat Sheet

Section 26: Minimal API (Asp.Net Core 7)

Lecture 314 Introduction to Minimal API

Lecture 315 Creating Basic Minimal API

Lecture 316 GET and POST with Minimal API

Section 27: Extra: C# Essentials

Lecture 317 Extension Methods

Lecture 318 Anonymous Methods

Lecture 319 Lambda Expressions

Lecture 320 Dictionary

Lecture 321 Collection of Objects

Lecture 322 Object Relations

Lecture 323 Interfaces

Lecture 324 LINQ Basics

Lecture 325 LINQ - OrderBy

Lecture 326 LINQ - First and FirstOrDefault

Lecture 327 LINQ - Last and LastOrDefault

Lecture 328 LINQ - ElementAt and ElementAtOrDefault

Lecture 329 LINQ - Single and SingleOrDefault

Lecture 330 LINQ - Select

Lecture 331 LINQ - Min and Max

Lecture 332 C# 9 - Top Level Statements

Lecture 333 C# 9 - Nullable Reference Types

Section 28: The End

Lecture 334 Outro

Freshers / experienced developers who wants to become senior-level .NET developer with stronger and extensive topics of Asp .Net Core



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