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Blind 75 Leetcode Questions: Ace Algorithms Coding Interview

Blind 75 Leetcode Questions: Ace Algorithms Coding Interview

Blind 75 Leetcode Questions: Ace Algorithms Coding Interview
Published 5/2023
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.60 GB | Duration: 26h 41m

Ace Coding Interview by Solving Distilled Curated Blind 75 Questions. Get a job offer from MAANG or MANG-like company.

What you'll learn
Curated List of Top 75 LeetCode Questions to Save Your Time
Ace the coding interview at the top tech companies (Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, Netflix + others)
The ultimate resource to prepare for coding interviews, tech interviews and programming interviews
Use the right Data Structures and Algorithms to pass coding interview questions that have the optimal solution
Learn exactly what you need to answer difficult questions and the framework you need for ANY kind of questions they throw at you
Step by step guide to common questions, how to solve them, optimize, and present them during tech interview
Boost your self-confident and prepared for your upcoming coding interview.
Learn, implement, and use different Data Structures
Become a better developer by mastering computer science fundamentals

A Computer or Smart Phone with internet connection
Basic understanding of one programming language
Fundamental knowledges of data structures and algorithms is preferred not mandatory

Welcome to this course ~ "Blind 75 LeetCode Questions: Ace Algorithms Coding Interview".Blind 75 LeetCode questions is a list of 75 most frequent asked LeetCode algorithms questions which had helped many engineers clear the interviews of Google, Facebook/Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix etc. Hence, it is a tried and tested list with thousands of testimonials available on all public review platforms such as quora, teamblind, reddit etc.What is Blind 75?We can follow these 75 problems blindly, if we are good at them, then we are almost good at most things.Is blind 75 enough to ace any coding interviews?Both yes and no. Confused? Let's clarify, Blind 75 questions is a list of just 75 questions designed in a way that covers most of the concepts asked in any coding interview. Most people get direct questions from the blind 75 list because it is designed in a way that it contains most frequently asked interview questions from different companies like Google, Meta/Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix etc. Practicing is the best way to prepare for coding interviews. LeetCode has over a thousand questions. Which should you practice? Hence years ago, Blind 75 Author (yangshun) curated a list of the most important 75 questions on LeetCode. Many other LeetCode questions are a mash of the techniques from these individual questions. Blind 75 is super famous in the coding interview scene, people even gave it a name - Blind 75. Blind 75 covers the most common coding interview patterns.See you inside!

Section 1: Introduction

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Source Code

Section 2: Array

Lecture 3 Two Sum

Lecture 4 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

Lecture 5 Contains Duplicate

Lecture 6 Product of Array Except Self

Lecture 7 Maximum Subarray

Lecture 8 Maximum Product Subarray

Lecture 9 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

Lecture 10 Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Lecture 11 3 Sum

Lecture 12 Container With Most Water

Section 3: Binary

Lecture 13 Sum of Two Integers

Lecture 14 Number of 1 Bits

Lecture 15 Counting Bits

Lecture 16 Missing Number

Lecture 17 Reverse Bits

Section 4: Dynamic Programming

Lecture 18 Climbing Stairs

Lecture 19 Coin Change

Lecture 20 Longest Increasing Subsequence

Lecture 21 Longest Common Subsequence

Lecture 22 Word Break Problem

Lecture 23 Combination Sum IV

Lecture 24 House Robber

Lecture 25 House Robber II

Lecture 26 Decode Ways

Lecture 27 Unique Paths

Lecture 28 Jump Game

Section 5: Graph

Lecture 29 Clone Graph

Lecture 30 Course Schedule

Lecture 31 Pacific Atlantic Waterflow

Lecture 32 Number of Islands

Lecture 33 Longest Consecutive Sequence

Lecture 34 Alien Dictionary

Lecture 35 Graph Valid Tree

Lecture 36 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph

Section 6: Interval

Lecture 37 Insert Interval

Lecture 38 Merge Interval

Lecture 39 Non-overlapping Intervals

Lecture 40 Meeting Rooms

Lecture 41 Meeting Rooms II

Section 7: Linked List

Lecture 42 Reverse a Linked List

Lecture 43 Detect Cycle in a Linked List

Lecture 44 Merge Two Sorted Lists

Lecture 45 Merge K Sorted Lists

Lecture 46 Remove Nth Node From End Of List

Lecture 47 Reorder List

Section 8: Matrix

Lecture 48 Set Matrix Zeroes

Lecture 49 Spiral Order Traversal

Lecture 50 Rotate Image

Lecture 51 Word Search

Section 9: String

Lecture 52 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Lecture 53 Longest Repeating Character Replacement

Lecture 54 Minimum Window Substring

Lecture 55 Valid Anagram

Lecture 56 Group Anagrams

Lecture 57 Valid Parentheses

Lecture 58 Valid Palindrome

Lecture 59 Longest Palindromic Substring

Lecture 60 Palindromic Substrings

Lecture 61 Encode and Decode Strings (Leetcode Premium)

Section 10: Tree

Lecture 62 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

Lecture 63 Same Tree

Lecture 64 Invert/Flip Binary Tree

Lecture 65 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

Lecture 66 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

Lecture 67 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree

Lecture 68 Subtree of Another Tree

Lecture 69 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Lecture 70 Validate Binary Search Tree

Lecture 71 Kth Smallest Element in a BST

Lecture 72 Lowest Common Ancestor of a BST

Lecture 73 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Lecture 74 Add and Search Word

Lecture 75 Word Search II

Section 11: Heap

Lecture 76 Merge K Sorted Lists

Lecture 77 Top K Frequent Elements

Lecture 78 Find Median From Data Stream

Students getting ready for their internship,People who want to ace algorithms coding interview,People who want to developed their problem solving skill,Who want to succeed the technical coding interview at companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.,Anyone that wants to work a Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix or other top tech companies,Any engineer, developer, programmer, who wants to improve their interviewing skills,Anyone interested in improving their whiteboard coding skills,Any self taught programmer who missed out on a computer science degree






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