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Kundalini Shakti: Awaken Your Spiritual Power With Tantra

Kundalini Shakti: Awaken Your Spiritual Power With Tantra

Kundalini Shakti: Awaken Your Spiritual Power With Tantra

Published 3/2024
Created by Devatma Saraswati
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 33 Lectures ( 6h 3m ) | Size: 6 GB

Activate your spiritual power of Kundalini Shakti and transform your life with Tantric meditation techniques.

What you'll learn:
Understand Kundalini Tantra Principles: Gain a solid foundation in the principles, theories, and practices essential for awakening Kundalini Shakti.
Navigate Kundalini Energy: Learn the trajectory of Kundalini energy through the spine, exploring its interaction with chakras and nadis.
Overcome Psychic Barriers: Address and overcome the Granthis—psychic knots that impede the flow of Kundalini energy.
Stimulate and Expand Kundalini Shakti: Acquire hands-on techniques to actively stimulate and expand your Kundalini energy.
Over 6 Hours of Engaging Content: Immerse yourself in detailed lectures and guided practices, each crafted to deepen your understanding of Kundalini Shakti.
Professionally Produced Yoga and Meditation Videos: Follow along with expertly produced videos that guide you through Kundalini Yoga and tantric meditations.

No Previous Experience Required: This course is designed to welcome participants at all levels of spiritual and physical practice. Whether you're new to meditation and yoga or have been practicing for years, our program is structured to accommodate a wide range of experiences.

Embark on the Ultimate Journey: Kundalini Tantra - Awaken Your Spiritual PowerDear Spiritual Seeker,Are you ready to unlock the most profound secrets of your existence and tap into an unlimited source of power, wisdom, and bliss? "Kundalini Shakti: Awaken Your Spiritual Power With Tantra" is a transformative program meticulously designed to guide you through the awakening of your most potent spiritual energy: Kundalini Shakti. This journey is not just about learning; it's about experiencing a profound transformation that connects you deeply with the Universal Consciousness.Your Path to AwakeningOur journey begins with an introduction to the foundational concepts of Kundalini Tantra, preparing you for the profound awakening process. Each class is a step deeper into your inner world, designed to systematically unlock your spiritual potential.Class One: Introduction to Your Spiritual AwakeningDive into the essence of Kundalini Tantra, understanding the role of cosmic energy in your spiritual growth. Establish a daily practice of meditation and yoga that becomes the bedrock of your journey towards enlightenment.Class Two: Awakening Kundalini Shakti Through The ChakrasExplore the mystical pathway of Kundalini through the chakras. Learn to navigate your energy system, unlocking the power within each chakra and starting the process of inner transformation.Class Three: The Pathway of Kundalini and Overcoming ObstaclesUnderstand the dynamics of Pravritti and Nivritti – the outward and inward journeys of the spirit. Discover the roles of Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna nadis in directing your spiritual energy, guiding you from external engagement to inner bliss.Class Four: Unblocking The Path Of KundaliniUnravel the mysteries of the Granthis – the psychic knots that hinder your spiritual ascent. Through targeted meditation practices, learn to dissolve these blockages, facilitating the free flow of divine energy.Your Daily Kundalini SadhanaEach day, you're invited to engage with a carefully curated regimen of yoga and meditation, designed to support your growth and learning. Our program accommodates the ebb and flow of daily life, offering both a full 40 to 60-minute practice and a condensed 15-minute routine for tighter schedules. Embrace the transformative power of the Gayatri mantra, explore the physical and spiritual benefits of Surya Namaskar, and discover the peace of Shavasana and mantra japa.What You Will DiscoverThe profound impact of daily Kundalini Sadhana, integrating mantra chanting, yoga asanas, and meditation into your life.Techniques to purify your subtle body, aligning your physical, emotional, and spiritual selves.The transformative power of Shaktipat initiation and the role of a guru in your spiritual awakening.Insight into the three main Granthis and their significance in your spiritual journey.Practices to loosen these psychic knots, allowing Sri Kundalini Shakti to ascend and illuminate your path to enlightenment.Transformative Practices For Every SeekerThis course is more than a collection of teachings; it's a carefully curated experience that includes:Guided meditations focusing on the Granthis, employing visualization techniques that transform these psychic knots into gateways of spiritual ascension.Daily yoga and meditation regimens tailored to support your journey, fostering physical health and spiritual well-being.Deep dives into the symbolism and practices of Kundalini Tantra, equipping you with the knowledge and tools to navigate your spiritual path.Experience Chakra ActivationDelve into the profound process of activating your chakras, starting from any point - be it the Ajna at the forehead, the heart chakra at your chest, or the foundational Mooladhara at the base of your spine. Discover how starting your journey at different chakras can influence your path to awakening and the unique energies each chakra brings to your spiritual evolution.Opening Mooladhara: Unlocking the Door to KundaliniLearn the crucial role of the Mooladhara chakra as the foundation of your spiritual awakening. Understand how overcoming fear and embracing courage can activate this foundational energy center, setting the stage for Kundalini's rise.Swadisthana - The Joyful Home of KundaliniExplore Swadisthana, "one's own abode," and how it serves as a reservoir for your life experiences, desires, and the seat of Kundalini's playful energy. Discover the balance between indulgence and discipline to harness this chakra's joyous potential.Manipura - The Lustrous Gem of VitalityAscend to Manipura, the "city of jewels," and ignite your inner fire of willpower, strength, and transformation. This chakra marks a turning point in overcoming ego and embracing the true essence of self-love and personal power.Anahata - Where Divine Love BloomsJourney to the heart chakra, Anahata, the center of unconditional love and the first union of Shiva and Shakti within. Experience the overwhelming joy and bliss that comes from this sacred reunion, a pivotal moment in your spiritual journey.Vishuddhi - The Throat Chakra of Purification and ExpressionUnlock Vishuddhi, the purification center, where your inner truth finds its voice. Learn the power of Vak Siddhi, where integrity in speech manifests reality, empowering you to inspire and transform the world around you.Ajna - The Command Center of Intuition and WisdomOpen the Ajna chakra, the "third eye," to access profound wisdom and insight, seeing beyond the physical to the essence of the soul. This awakening marks a significant step towards enlightenment, guiding you to a deeper connection with the universe.Bindu Visarga & Sahasrara - Beyond the PhysicalEmbark on the final leg of your journey through the Bindu Visarga to Sahasrara, the "thousand-petaled lotus," where individual consciousness merges with the universal. Experience the ultimate state of oneness, bliss, and spiritual enlightenment.Embrace the Practice of Chakra ShuddhiIntegrate Chakra Shuddhi, the practice of chakra purification, into your daily meditation. This powerful technique uses sound, breath, and visualization to cleanse and activate your chakras, preparing you for deeper spiritual exploration and growth.Facilitating Your Own Spiritual Awakening:"Kundalini Shakti: Awaken Your Spiritual Power With Tantra" is an invitation to embark on the most significant journey of your life. It's a call to those ready to explore the depths of their being, to unlock the doors to  your highest potential, and to experience a connection with the divine energy that transforms every aspect of your existence.With great love and respect, Devatma SaraswatiP.S. This journey demands courage, openness, and a sincere desire for transformation. If you feel the call, join us on this sacred expedition towards awakening your spiritual power.

Who this course is for:
Beginners in Spiritual Practices: You're curious about spirituality, yoga, or meditation but don't know where to start. This course is designed to guide you gently into the profound world of Kundalini Tantra without overwhelming you with jargon or prerequisites.
Seekers of Personal Transformation: You're at a point in life seeking deeper meaning, inner peace, or a significant personal transformation. This course offers tools and teachings to explore your inner world, awaken your spiritual power, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and clarity.
Yoga Practitioners & Teachers: You have a background in yoga or teaching yoga and wish to deepen your practice by integrating Kundalini and Tantra philosophies. This course will enrich your understanding and enable you to incorporate these powerful teachings into your practice or classes.
Meditators Seeking Deeper Experiences: You practice meditation and are interested in exploring deeper states of consciousness and spiritual awakening. This course provides structured guidance to tap into the transformative power of Kundalini Shakti through meditation and breathwork.
Wellness Enthusiasts: You're passionate about holistic health, mental well-being, and self-care practices. This course offers a unique blend of spiritual and practical techniques to enhance your well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate a profound sense of inner harmony.
Lifelong Learners: You're always eager to learn something new, especially about human consciousness, energy work, or ancient spiritual traditions. This course will satisfy your intellectual curiosity and offer practical insights that you can apply in your daily life.
Individuals Facing Life Transitions: You're going through significant life changes or seeking direction during uncertain times. The teachings and practices in this course can provide grounding, elevate your perspective, and assist in navigating transitions with grace and empowerment.






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